Thursday, April 6, 2017

Providing Visual Instructional Plans - (Chapter 7)

Visit BCTAL 901.  View the wall above the whiteboard.  Google "visual instructional plans" or "graphic organizers" in google images.  After perusing the multitude of examples, select two that you like.  On the padlet below, indicate your name, the name of the VIP, and describe what it would be used for.

Made with Padlet

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Praise, Prompt and Leave (Chapters 5 and 6)

Due:  Friday, April 7, 2017

After reading Chapters 5 and 6 in Tools for Teaching by Fred Jones, add your comment to the following prompt on this post, not your blog. (Note:  You must be logged into your Google account to comment.)

You've been there.  You've prepared a lesson, "bopped 'til you dropped", then had the helpless handraisers give you a workout.  During the guided practice portion of the lesson you had the feeling of exasperation - muscles tensing and a bit of adrenaline flowing - the sinking feeling as you felt like your lesson was a wreck as your students continually asked for help.

Jones says that when we learn something with multiple steps or levels, it does not go into our long term memory.  Thus, it is not unusual for students to get "stuck" when doing guided practice for information with multiple steps, levels or layers.  His procedure for teachers to give corrective feedback to a student involves finding out where the student got lost and concisely explaining what they need to do next, nothing more.  In his words, "be clear, be brief, be gone."

Will this model be useful for you in your field site classroom?  What concerns do you have about using it?  Do you think that this will change the behavior of your "helpless handraisers?'

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Working the Crowd and Room Arrangement (Chapters 1-4)

Due Date:  March 29, 2017

After reading chapters 1 - 4 in Tools for Teaching by Fred Jones,  answer the following questions.
Remember to follow blog rules as you construct your answers (reference link to blog prompt and at least 2 additional different sources of media).

Chapter 1
"... teacher quality is the single most important in-school factor influencing student learning and achievement."  Do you agree or disagree with this statement.  Support your answer with statistics, research, or personal experiences and observations (must give specific examples for experiences and observations).

Chapter 2
According to Jones, what is the best way (3 steps) to give corrective feedback to a student who is stuck?  Give an example of how you can do this with a student in your field site classroom.  Write the dialogue of what you would say.

Chapter 3
Look at the room arrangement in your field site classroom.  What obstacle or obstacles prevent you from "working the crowd?"  Describe how they hinder the teacher.

Chapter 4
According to Jones, where should the teacher's desk go?  Where would you position the teacher desk in your field site classroom?  Why would you select that location?  Give reasons supported in your reading.

Welcome to the Year II Book Study!

The book study in which the Year II Education and Training Interns will focus on is Fred Jones's Tools for Teaching.

In the not-so-distant future, many of you will be entering your first classrooms.  Your school district and campus principal will coach you through your first year of teaching.  You may even be partnered with a mentor teacher who is a "go-to" for advice.  In Birdville ISD, first year teachers participate in the "New Teacher Academy." Throughout the year they meet with their mentors, attend sessions led by administrators on topics specific to new teachers, and share strategies from the book, Tools for Teaching.

This book will help you focus on some of the most prevalent problems encountered by teachers and help you discover how to prevent them.  You will enjoy Fred's light-hearted writing style and his son's humorous cartoons and graphics as you read this book.
